Using a Behavioral Lens to Mobilize Citizens Around Universal Health Coverage in Togo


As countries work to achieve universal health coverage, there are promising opportunities for social accountability and social and behavior change efforts to work together to increase equity and efficiency. To generate evidence, the Accelerator is exploring various questions to better understand strategies and approaches countries can use to foster a productive alliance between citizens and governments.

The Accelerator facilitated two virtual workshops for the Togolese Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Task Force and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The workshops were designed using the findings from the Accelerator’s study on Improving the Linkages Between Social Accountability and Social and Behavior Change (SA-SBC linkages study) and in consultation with key Togolese stakeholders. Participants were tasked with applying a behavioral lens to assess engagement barriers for civil society and to design action items that were later integrated into the national UHC workplan.

This brief summarizes the workshops and describes the challenges they aimed to address, the overall approach, and key insights from the implementation experience.

Authors: Molly Lauria (ICF) and Susan Pietrzyk (ICF)

October 12, 2023
Susan Pietrzyk

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