The Accelerator supports countries to learn as they go and shares new knowledge for strengthening health systems broadly to help further accelerate progress.

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Why Co-creation Matters: How Empowering Local Leaders Transforms...
This brief describes how the USAID-funded Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator utilized co-creation to build effective and sustainable health systems.
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Learning Brief: Strengthening Routine Immunization Coverage in Guinea
This brief assesses how the Accelerator’s activities strengthened Guinea’s immunization program.
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Integrating Routine Immunization into Community Health Services in...
This report identifies several opportunities to integrate community health and immunization under Guinea’s National Community Health Policy.
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Challenges to Expanding Togo’s Immunization Coverage to the...
Developing innovative interventions to reach Togo's zero-dose children and missed communities.
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Policy Brief: Integrating Rehabilitation into Primary Health Care...
This policy brief assesses the readiness of Ethiopia's health system for rehabilitation service integration.
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Health Systems Strengthening Practice Spotlight: Collaborative Learning to...
This brief introduces collaborative learning as an effective approach to support sustainable health system strengthening