Webinar: Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology in Universal Health Coverage

September 7, 2023 15:00 CEST / 9 EST on Zoom Close captioning in English will be provided Register here Rehabilitation and assistive technology are crucial for optimizing the functioning, health, and well-being of persons with health conditions and are an integral part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). However, coverage of rehabilitation services and assistive technology …

New Resource: Rehabilitation in Health Financing

Opportunities on the Way to Universal Health Coverage Download Rehabilitation in Health Financing Health financing is a core pillar of health systems and encompasses the three functions of how revenues for health are collected, pooled, and paid to providers of health care services. It can be leveraged to pursue key Universal Health Coverage (UHC) goals …

New law mandates salaries for Guinea’s community health workers

On December 9, 2022, Guinea’s National Transitional Council unanimously adopted a new law mandating that the local civil service should engage and pay for community health mobilizers (RECO) through commune-level budgets and that the national government should pay for higher-level community health workers (ASC) salaries. The new law is a significant step towards implementing Guinea’s …

Monrovia call to action launched by the Liberian ministry of health

The Health System Strengthening Accelerator (Accelerator) extends hearty congratulations to the Ministry of Health of Liberia and all its partners for hosting the hugely successful Third International Community Health Worker Symposium in Monrovia from March 20 to 24, 2023! The symposium proved pivotal in advocating for community health workers who should be trained effectively, paid …

Embracing equity for International Women’s Day

[Editor’s Note: For International Women’s Day, we interviewed several Accelerator staff and partner organizations, including CERRHUD and Comité des Jeunes Mon Avenir d’Abord (CJMAD). In this post, they share what equity means to them. This post is adapted from R4D.] This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “Embrace Equity.” What does this mean to you? Dr. …

Can rehabilitation be integrated into primary health care?

Authors: Rachel Neill, Consultant, Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator Reva Alperson, Senior Program Associate, Results for Development Daniela Gutierrez, Senior Program Officer, Results for Development Rehabilitation is a core component of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) that aims to improve functioning and reduce disability.[1] One third of the world’s population will need rehabilitation in their lifetime,[2] and …

Join the Accelerator at the 3rd International Community Health Workforce Symposium

“Advancing Community Health Worker Programs to Build Resilient and Equitable Health Systems that Accelerate Primary Health Care for Universal Health Coverage” EVENT DATE March 20-24, 2023 LOCATION Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Inter-Ministerial Complex The 3rd International Community Health Workforce Symposium aims to facilitate the global exchange of knowledge and solutions to scale and sustain Community Health …